Shopping-cart summary Your shopping cart contains: 4 products

ProductDescriptionUnit priceQtyTotal 


Total products$849.00
Total gift-wrapping cost: $0.00
Total $849.00
85mm Sleeve Ring Compressor

85mm Sleeve Ring Compressor

$39.00 $39.00
Evo X Hawk HPS Front Brake Pads

Evo X Hawk HPS Front Brake Pads

$162.00 $162.00
Evo X Hawk HT-14 Front Brake Pads (TRACK ONLY)

Evo X Hawk HT-14 Front Brake Pads (TRACK ONLY)

$359.00 $359.00
COBB Nissan GT-R Adjustable Rear Endlinks

COBB Nissan GT-R Adjustable Rear Endlinks

$289.00 $289.00

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Varies - Shipping is manually added to get you the best rate. 3% will be to cover Credit Card processing fees.
3% will be to cover Credit Card processing fees. (Products concerned: 85mm Sleeve Ring Compressor ,  Evo X Hawk HPS Front Brake Pads ,  Evo X Hawk HT-14 Front Brake Pads (TRACK ONLY) ,  COBB Nissan GT-R Adjustable Rear Endlinks )

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